Marine Forests
composed of seaweeds and algae, is a crucial habitat for various marine life. This marine ecosystem purifies pollutants and absorbs carbon, which is called Blue Carbon. According to UN(2009), the ocean can absorb carbon at a rate up to 50 times faster than land. Front Kit's new project <Marine Forests> is a graphic art book that visually reinterprets selected seaweeds and algae, and was designed to publicize the existence of underwater forests and the importance of the marine ecosystem. We hope that this project will be a small contribution to preserving the ocean and securing blue carbon.

Editor in Chief: Min Gi Hong
Publication & Creative Direction: Min Ah Hong
Art Direction: Yun Woo Shin
Illustration & Design: Jung In Lee
Participation: Hyeok Kim, Ga Bin Kim
Project Management: Sunny Na
Photo: Jung In Lee