Graphic Design | Product Design | Stationery | Idea
BLUE DRAGON MONEY-HOLDER CARD wishes your happiness and success!
In ancient Korea, 'Blue' meant 'birth of life' and 'East' meant the 'source of light’, and the blue dragon was considered the Guardian of the East and the symbol of good fortune. Thus, this card could be all encouragement, gratitude, and greetings needed at various moments in our lives.
The dragon’s unique graphic was designed to accommodate cards or money, and the red hologram was added to provide contrast in color and texture. Its message card contains a poem wishing for a bright future. On its envelope, clouds were expressed with silver pixel dots, and were cut to match the shape. Consequently, the blue dragon walking on layered clouds was completed.
In ancient Korea, 'Blue' meant 'birth of life' and 'East' meant the 'source of light’, and the blue dragon was considered the Guardian of the East and the symbol of good fortune. Thus, this card could be all encouragement, gratitude, and greetings needed at various moments in our lives.
The dragon’s unique graphic was designed to accommodate cards or money, and the red hologram was added to provide contrast in color and texture. Its message card contains a poem wishing for a bright future. On its envelope, clouds were expressed with silver pixel dots, and were cut to match the shape. Consequently, the blue dragon walking on layered clouds was completed.
프론트킷 용돈카드는 행복과 성공을 기원하는 새로운 방식의 카드 겸 머니홀더입니다. 예로부터, 청룡의 청색은 생명의 탄생을 상징했고, 동쪽에서 만물이 시작된다고 믿었기 때문에, 청룡은 동방의 사신이자 복을 기원하는 상징이 되었습니다. 청룡카드로 새로운 시작을 앞둔 이들을 위한 격려, 감사한 분들께 전하는 마음, 삶의 다양한 모멘트에 건네는 인사입니다.
프론트킷 용돈카드의 유니크한 그래픽 형태는 카드나 용돈을 끼울 수 있게 고안되었으며, 레드 스파클 적박을 더해 컬러와 촉감의 대비를 이루도록 하였습니다. 메시지 카드에는 밝은 앞날을 기원하는 시조를 담았으며, 후면에는 메시지를 쓸 수 있도록 형압 라인을 적용했습니다. 봉투의 특징은 은별색으로 구현한 픽셀 도트 구름 및 그 형태를 고려한 커팅입니다. 이러한 제작을 통해 겹겹이 쌓인 구름 위를 거니는 청룡의 자태가 완성되었습니다.
프론트킷 디자이너들이 만든 이 특별한 용돈 카드는 네이버스마트스토어에서 만나보실 수 있습니다.
판매처: https://smartstore.naver.com/frontkit
판매처: https://smartstore.naver.com/frontkit

Creative Direction: Min Ah Hong
Art Direction: Yun Woo Shin
Design: Hyeok Kim, Min Gi Hong
Participation: Sunny Na, Jung In Lee, Ga Bin Kim
Photo: Ga Bin Kim
Art Direction: Yun Woo Shin
Design: Hyeok Kim, Min Gi Hong
Participation: Sunny Na, Jung In Lee, Ga Bin Kim
Photo: Ga Bin Kim